colic baby :how to soothe colic baby

Colic in Babies: Symptoms, Signs, Remedies

Colic in Babies: Symptoms, Signs, Remedies

what can I do to help my baby, all mothers say that Many mothers suffer from colic, what is the treatment of colic children?
Which can cause bouts of crying for a few hours a day?

Children are especially susceptible to colic, which is accompanied by a state of cramping and loss of the child's calm and ability to sleep, causing him to cry for long hours and emotionally and repeatedly, and difficult for the mother calm and thinking in a way that relieves the child colic pain
and crying continuously,

and affects colic children since the first week of delivery And continue with them until the end of the second month, to begin symptoms gradually decreasing and disappear after completing the fourth month, and doctors find it difficult to diagnose colic in children, and were unable to find the real reasons for him, but some of them are likely some factors responsible for the occurrence.

Symptoms of colic in children

Continuous and excessive crying for more than three hours continuous, especially at midnight.
The redness of the face is clear.
High-temperature baby.
The case of vomiting and exhaustion.
A condition of cramping, tensing of the feet and extending of the hands.

Symptoms of colic include pain, crying, complaining, severe behavior and convulsions, and in severe cases symptoms such as frequent vomiting, change in stool, unstable body temperature, and increased weight and fatigue. Colic can be painful for both children and parents Parents of colic sufferers of infants can suffer from stress, breastfeeding problems, and even postpartum depression.

You need to deal with the situation properly and be patient for weeks or months and the colic will end. In the meantime, some simple home remedies can be used to help ease your child's discomfort.

6 Natural Remedies to Soothe colic baby

Colic Remedies: Natural Ways to Help Your Baby
The most important natural remedies for colic in infants:

1. Warm bath

Give your baby a warm bath in times of colic, and this will have a calming effect on your child and help to make your child feel sleepy and calm.

Fill the bathtub with your child with warm water.
Add a few drops of lavender oil.
Your child bathes in this water.

While doing this, massage the abdominal area gently to relieve painful trapped gas.
Dry your baby gently to help him sleep.

2- Massage the belly with oils:

Regular massage oils do miracles for any child suffering from colic pain and will help keep the child's body warm and ensure proper digestion and gas prevention, in addition, they will help your baby to sleep after each feeding.

Put some warm olive oil on your hands.
Use it to gently massage the baby's belly in a clockwise direction.
Also massage the rib cage, pelvis, hands and feet in the child.
Do this several times a day.

3- Fennel seeds :

Fennel is a wonderful herb for the treatment of colic in infants and can reduce the severity of gases and reduce the discomfort associated with the stomach in general, both children and mothers who are breastfeeding can benefit from fennel seeds.
Add 1 teaspoon fennel seeds to 1 cup of hot water.
Cover and leave for 10 to 15 minutes, then drain after.
Breastfeeding mothers can drink this tea 2 or 3 times a day, and infants can be given إلى to 1 teaspoon of this herbal tea 3 times a day.
Follow this treatment on a daily basis.

4- Rayhan:

Basil is a useful herb in the treatment of colic as it has anti-convulsive and calming properties that help to expel gases and relieve other intestinal discomforts.
Place 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water. Cover and leave for 10 minutes, drain and let cool, and give 1 to 2 teaspoons of this tea to your child several times a day
Mothers who breastfeed can also drink this tea 2 or 3 times a day.
Another option is to grind 1 tablespoon basil leaves with a little water to make a paste placed around your baby's belly and abdomen and leave to dry and then gently wipe with a damp tissue. Repeat this treatment as needed.

5- Warm compresses:

A simple treatment to help the child with colic through warm compresses on the abdomen of the child to remove the gases and give a calming effect.

Place a very soft towel in warm water and squeeze it to remove excess water.
Place a warm towel on the baby's belly.
You can even scrub the towel gently with circular movements for a few minutes.
Follow this treatment twice a day to help remove the gases.
Note: Do not use hot water bottle directly on baby's belly.

6- Use the broom rather than the baby's cradle.

Although it is normal for a broom to be hated, children with colic seem to like the vacuum cleaner, and science has not been able to explain this mysterious phenomenon. According to Dr. Green: "The sound of the vacuum cleaner seems to calm the child with colic." Some parents recorded the sound of the broom and restarted when the baby started yelling, while others began to postpone cleaning the rugs that needed to be cleaned up until then. Price suggested a more active solution: "If you carry the baby in a front bag, On your chest) and run the broom you will get a double result, this child suffering from colic will calm his scream in seconds.

 Additional tips:

Allow your child to lie on the abdomen for 15 to 20 minutes a day.

Breastfeeding mothers should include yogurt in their diet to improve their body as well as the digestive system of their babies.

Keep your baby in constant motion to avoid crying.

Try putting your baby into sleep mode.

Changing your baby's milk can help relieve colic symptoms.

Lollipop or repeating sounds such as fan noise or air conditioner can be beneficial for a colicky child.

Feed your baby as often as needed and do not forget to burp.

Breastfeeding mothers should eat a healthy diet and avoid stimulants such as caffeine and chocolate.

You can also consult your child's doctor and consider changing your diet for two weeks to eliminate certain foods such as dairy products and nuts to exclude the possibility of an unknown allergic reaction in the baby.

You should call your pediatrician if you can not calm your baby and he will cry continuously for several hours.


In some cases, it is possible to treat colic without resorting to a doctor using some home remedies, but if home remedies do not work or the child continues to cry, cry or have a high fever or any abnormal symptoms, Check with your doctor immediately for the necessary tests.

finally, There is no cure for colic pain in children, but there are some medicines for pain and droplets, which are distilled by the mouth of the child, which helps relieve the symptoms and pain of colic, and can work compresses warm water to expel gases in the stomach and intestines, and doctors advise the mother to give her child Some natural herbs for pain and treatment of colic such as:
Aniseed, Chamomile, Mint.