Everything you need to know about dog flu

can dogs get the flu

can dogs get the flu

Fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, loss of appetite, sense of smell and taste, the same symptoms of colds and flu friend winter, but did you imagine that your dog also gets flu ? is a relatively new virus, most dogs have not been exposed before.

Colds in dogs or dog flu are caused by a virus that was identified in 2004 in Florida and given the name H3N8. The virus is characterized by respiratory infection and is highly contagious, but not infectious to humans.

Symptoms of Dog Flu

Your dog will show some flu symptoms and should go to your veterinarian if you notice them:

- Loss of appetite and weight loss

- redness of the eye with tears secretions -

- General weakness and the state of inactivity and disobedience, and refusal to play and movement

The general symptoms of dog flu are:
- A cough.

- Sneezing.

- Anorexia.

- High temperature.

- Red eye.

- A runny nose.

- Urinary changes

Signs of Dog Flu

If the dog is infected with influenza, two types of symptoms will appear depending on the severity of the virus and its ability to cause damage to the dog.

1- Symptoms of flu in the average dog

The dog will have some known symptoms of flu, such as coughing or coughing, sometimes the cough will be wet and dry, and other times will be dry, as you may see some secretions from the nose.

Symptoms will last for 10 days to a maximum of 30 days and symptoms may disappear without any treatment for the dog.

2- Symptoms of acute flu in dogs

In the case of colds in dogs in the acute form, the symptoms will be more clear with a rise in temperature significantly (the temperature of the body of the dog above 40 degrees Celsius).

In addition, the symptoms will develop quickly. You will notice signs of pneumonia on the dog, and the dog may experience bleeding from the nose or mouth during coughing or coughing.

The reason for the presence of blood is that the flu virus affects the capillaries of the lungs and affects them so the dog may experience breathing difficulties and also may show coughing accompanied by blood.

In some of the more advanced cases, a bacterial infection may occur in conjunction with a viral infection, which increases the complexity of the condition and prolongs the treatment period.

treatment of dog flu

In the first place, the important is the right situation. The dog must be warm, always with fresh water. If it is cold and humid, it is not necessary to walk longer than 15-20 minutes. Refrain from communicating with other dogs.
For the treatment of colds in dogs, mainly used anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants, antibiotics, vitamins, and expectorant drugs.

At high temperatures give paracetamol tablet (for the larger adult dog) or half a small puppy dog disc.

A drinking cough can add boiled herbs: licorice root, mother flowers, father's wife, plantain.

Excretions of the eyes and nose are swept back with a cotton swab in the chamomile broth or pharmacy solution. The hard crust on the nose soften the best mineral oils and then remove them carefully.

Is dog flu infectious to humans?

Fortunately, the virus that causes dog flu is not transmitted to humans, so do not worry about it when your dog is exposed to colds.

But in general, if your dog is infected, follow the general safety rules by washing your hands with running water for 30 seconds while not exposing children to infected dogs.

So if you have a cough or some cold or fever, there is no need to panic. If your dog has flu, you can go to your dog's veterinarian to diagnose the disease. It is highly unlikely that it is a copy of the virus that can easily spread to humans. If a neighbor or a relative has an infected dog, you may find them overreacting in the news that has been published about the dog flu infection. You should calm him and control his reaction and tell him that he is still a virus that is not easily transmitted to humans.

How to Treat Dog Flu

Most cases of influenza are treated in the middle stage, in case you can detect symptoms quickly and go to your veterinarian to determine the treatment.

Your veterinarian will prescribe some antibiotics, with some medications that act as an anti-cough or a cough. The doctor also recommends that the dog be completely relaxed and isolated from other dogs because the flu is contagious among dogs and some of them.
If the infection develops into a severe form, the veterinarian will prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and the dog will need to supply it with fluids and supplements to fight the virus. And may need to host treatment until the full recovery of the disease.

Preventive measures for dog

Of course, treating a dog is more difficult than trying to avoid a cold. Therefore, in this case, prevention is very important:

It is recommended to avoid situations that can lead to a low temperature of the pet - do not spend too much time walking with your pet in bad weather, if your dog has a weak coat, you need to take care of special clothes and shoes.

Street dogs need to be provided with a burning box. Do not place the floor in a concrete box, do not bathe in winter.

Must be in winter and spring to give vitamins to pets.
It is necessary, if possible, to avoid contact with diseased dogs.

The dog should be vaccinated, according to the vaccination schedule.

More important advice than veterinarians - a dog living in foreplay and care, is not practically satisfactory.

How can you prevent your dog from colds?

Always keep your dogs in the garden or in other places where you can gather dogs. You should monitor the behavior of other dogs as well as monitor your dog's behavior and monitor health signs after returning from outside the home.

To prevent colds, pay attention to where the dog is kept and warm, and the dog's basses prefer their own clothing in the winter.