10 of the World's Strange Etiquette Rules

The strangest rules of etiquette in the world

The strangest rules of etiquette in the world

In the lives of all peoples, the habits and behaviors that distinguish them, and perhaps we find the behavior of a people is not compatible with another people and therefore is a global definition of a set of controls to be followed in some daily behaviors, in the so-called «Etiquette», including the handshake or peace.

Etiquette Art as the rest of the arts, The concept of etiquette is self-respect, respect for others, and good dealing with them

It is an elegant concept and a civilized human content. Civilization is not a palace, nor is it a luxury car, nor is it mere adornment in the face and clothing.

The strangest & amazing rules of etiquette around the world

There are many fine arts in one country, but in other countries, they may be classified as very bad behavior, according to the well-known saying: "When in Rome I do as the Romans do." Here are some of these habits that you should not keep if you visit this country

1- Mexico and tacos

One of the most famous Mexican customs in food is one of the popular and traditional dishes in Mexico are tacos,

It is a bread wrapped in a certain way on the padding inside it, the Mexicans eat it by their hand and consider that

The use of fork and knife to eat tacos is a kind of arrogance and vanity. These are the most prominent habits of Mexico in food.

2- Split invoice in France

- Divide the bill on the table is one of the most important problems in the romantic country "France", Either pay the bill in full or look at someone else to do.

3- Italy and cappuccino

In Italy there is usually a famous drink of cappuccino, they never drink it in the afternoon, where they say that drinking cappuccino in

Late in the day may hurt the stomach so you will not see Italians drinking cappuccino at cafes after 3pm

It is noted that most Italians love to eat their lunch outside the house becomes dinner main meal and called the "China"

Dinner begins with pasta, or pasta, rice, and the main dish, Be the meat, eggs or seafood, and on occasions offer "anti past", and can not dispense with sweets

Cheese has a special place in the hearts of Italians, especially Bell Pezzy or Gorgonzola cheese if served after a hearty meal

In short, dinner for Italians is a moment where families gather to enjoy their tableware

4- "Do not put your chopsticks upright in the rice" in Japan

is considered a food etiquette in Japan. You can put chopsticks in front of you on the table or parallel to the edge of the table and nowhere else. In Japan, rice sticks are placed only straight in the rice dish at the deceased's funeral. Imagine yourself doing this in a meal with people sitting with you, exposing yourself to embarrassment.

- High-sounding when eating noodles and soups is normal in Japan. The Japanese consider that the sounding of the sounds improves the taste of the dish and allows the food to enjoy hot dishes more quickly.

5- In Poland, you have to take off your shoes

If you are invited to a private home for dinner in Poland, you can not enter the house without taking off your shoes before entering. Also, the host can not accept any delay from the guest, this is a rejection of the invitation, and he is entitled not to receive the guest after the delay.

6- In India eating with your hands

Food ethics in India are quite different from Western countries. In India, you can only eat with your hands; most restaurants do not serve with fork, knife or spoon, so you have to eat the meal with your fingers. So eat with the Indian people who do not use knives, at least try to eat in the traditional Indian way.

7- Food exchange in Thailand

- If you visit Thailand, with the hospitality of the people of the country, do not ever ask if one of the people on the table eating the food from your dish without permission, this is usually analyzed by the etiquette.
"Do not put food in your mouth with a thorn" from the etiquette of food in Thailand.

8- Give tipping in China

- Cultures differ about this habit, as some of us like to give the vineyard a euphoria.

- In China, for example, this is a major flaw and an insult to the waiter.

If you fail to pay at least 10% of the bill in the United States, do not be surprised if you are publicly criticized by the waiter.

9- Arabic coffee

Coffee habits in some Arab countries, especially in the Gulf, are that the host continues to pour coffee in a cup

To the guest as soon as he finishes drinking the cup if he does not shake his cup, and when the guest begins to shake his cup after finishing it will be

It means thanks and satisfaction and unwillingness to have more coffee

10- Customs and traditions of food in South Korea

The Koreans are known for their passion for hot food, the interest in serving traditional dishes, the addition of more "chatty", fresh fruit juices and fruit after eating, and they are skilled at processing seafood.

Do not be surprised when you find a Korean citizen eating small drops as a delicious meal for him, and the Koreans pay great attention to seafood, and they are interested in the number of television channels to talk about food and how to prepare and Eatitk to eat.

Also, you have to know that the Koreans are friendly and welcoming people, but be careful when someone is peace. Use only one hand. This indicates how much you appreciate this person and vice versa.

In South Korea, young people are not allowed to sit at the table and start eating because the priority is for the elderly to respect them. If you are given a drink, you have to take it with your hands together

finally, If you are abroad in other countries, you should know the rules of food etiquette in this country so as not to be subjected to embarrassing situations. For example, if you hold the chopsticks in the wrong way or put them in the wrong place, or if you are in the funeral of one of your friends from abroad, you will be able to make new friends and make you open to the world. As you appreciate others, their customs, and traditions, they will also appreciate your habits and traditions. Then you will see the world in a different way and come out of this tourist visitor bubble. To be an individual This is the place.