8 Surprising beauty Uses For Lemons
Lemon has great benefits and healthy body, but do you know that lemon also can give you beauty and freshness to your skin and body and opens all the areas of the dark in your body and helps you to be like celebrities in their beauty and you are more brilliant It really lemon that will make you a woman more fresh and vital to your skin
The most important natural recipes that contain lemon, lemon uses not only to add flavors to the food but is used for aesthetic recipes because of the magic effect on the face, it works to fight and treat signs of aging, such as wrinkles, removing blackheads, and get rid of Excess oils in the oily skin, in addition to it moisturizes the skin and maintain its softness, and is considered a lemon of fruits rich in important vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin B, in addition to a number of other elements such as carbohydrates, proteins and some metal compounds, It is one of the famous fruits found in every house.
8 Amazing beauty Benefits Of Lemon
The use of lemon for different purposes is almost uninterrupted from every house. Lemons are among the best fruits in terms of flavor and great benefits. It is not only used in various ways to add foods, sweets, and beverages to give it a refreshing flavor but also used in many aesthetic purposes, Benefits of lemon to the skin in particular? What are its uses for skin? This is what we will learn in this article dear reader.
1- Benefits of lemon for intensifying hair length
Lemon helps to treat hair loss as it is a good and useful factor in the fight against baldness and hair intensification.Take a bowl of water. Place three tablespoons of lemon juice in a teaspoon of ground ginger and put it on the fire until boiling. Then, wash it with hair, and massage the scalp well. Mint leaves can also be added to the mixture very useful in getting rid of the crust.
Lemon is also used to maintain a beautiful color of hair.
It is used immediately after showering. After we wash the hair with shampoo, we wash the shampoo thoroughly with water. Then we take a bowl of two tablespoons of lemon juice and then we break the head well. This plays a key role and is an important factor in eliminating the problems of the scalp.
2- Lemon for the treatment of pimples
Often blocked pores cause pimples, and these pimples are exacerbated by bacteria. The nature of the lemon juice, which is peeled and cleansed from bacteria, is excellent for eradicating bacteria and helps to release excess fat from the pores.
3- Moisturizing skin and treatment of dry skin
The holding properties of lemon juice can prevent the skin from being too fatty, and for those who use it excessively, it can cause dry skin patches, as well as it may cause itching and irritability.
4- Lemon helps whiten sensitive areas
While people who suffer from dark problems under the armpits and special areas of women, the use of lemon causes lightening the skin color and works to peel the dead skin
Used to get rid of dead skin,
It works to eliminate the inflammation and helps reduce the oils and open the pores, and purify the skin and preserve the freshness by eliminating the dirt and microbes found on the skin.
5- Clean the teeth and revive the mouth
Lemon helps cure bad breath. It also provides the comfort of dental pain and gingivitis. For shiny white teeth rub half a lemon with a little salt and baking soda.
6- Lemon and premature aging
The antioxidants and other vitamins found in lemon juice are able to restrict free radicals, remove toxins from the skin, and prevent signs of premature aging by reducing oxidative stress, this can also enhance skin elasticity.7- Lemon to cure acne
Lemon juice can help eliminate excess fat, disinfect pores of bacteria, reduce redness and stimulate healing in areas affected by acne in the skin.Lemon is also very important for the treatment of skin infections can apply lemon juice on the skin in the case of psoriasis or eczema or skin peel, helps lemon to eliminate itching and calm inflammation.
8- Strengthening and whitening nails
Bake your nails in lemon juice for 5 minutes a day to enjoy strong nails and to get rid of yellowing nails resulting from the use of nail polish.
finally, you must know that, The use of lemon juice for skin and skin is an old technique, but it is still true to this day all over the world, lemon is one of the most important treatments for the skin and it has many benefits as follows: Lemon possesses powerful anti-bacterial components in addition to antioxidants. Active ingredients include citric acid, citric acid, acid, lemons,, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and others. Lemon acid and vitamins can have a wide range of positive effects on the skin when used in moderation.